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Members Who Retire at the Age of 65 or Older with 25 or More Years of Pension Service

A Member who retires under a local longshore Port pension plan on or after January 1, 2008 with 25 or more years of pension service and after attaining age 65 and who is eligible to receive MILA retirement benefits pursuant to the USMX-ILA Master Contract, will be a qualified pensioner under MILA and will receive the MILA Medicare Wrap-Around Plan.

If the pensioner has a spouse or other dependents who are qualified for welfare benefits in retirement pursuant to the USMX-ILA Master Contract, the spouse and dependents will receive MILA Premier Plan Benefits until the spouse and dependents attain Medicare eligibility; thereafter, the spouse and dependents will receive MILA Medicare Wrap-Around benefits. Dependents other than the spouse will be eligible for benefits pursuant to the regular eligibility rules for non-spouse dependents.
