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Members Who Retire At Age 57 or Younger with 25 or More Years of Pension Service

A Member who retires under a local Port longshore pension plan after April 1, 2005 with 25 or more years of pension service and prior to attaining age 58 and who is eligible to receive MILA retirement benefits pursuant to the USMX-ILA Master Contract, will receive the following benefits:

  • Prior to attaining age 58, the pensioner will receive active MILA benefits at the level for which he/she qualified for such active level benefits on the day prior to retirement until the earlier of:
    • the end of the period for which he/she qualified for such active level benefits; or
    • the attainment of age 58 or Medicare eligibility as described in the section below.
  • On attainment of age 58, he/she will receive Basic Plan benefits. However, if a pensioner has qualified for Premier benefits on the date he/she retires and if those benefits continue to the pensioner’s age 58, then the pensioner will continue to receive such benefits until the end of the period for which he/she qualified for such benefits; thereafter, he/she will receive Basic Plan benefits. When the pensioner attains age 62, benefits will change to Premier Plan benefits. When a person covered under such Premier or Basic Plan benefits attains Medicare eligibility, that person’s benefits will change to MILA Medicare Wrap-Around benefits.
  • If the pensioner has a spouse or other dependents who are qualified for welfare benefits in retirement pursuant to the USMX-ILA Master Contract, the spouse and dependents will receive MILA Plan Benefits in the Plan for which the Member is eligible by virtue of the Member’s age or pension service until the spouse and dependents attain Medicare eligibility; thereafter, the spouse and dependents will receive MILA Medicare Wrap-Around benefits. Dependents other than the spouse will be eligible for benefits pursuant to the regular eligibility rules for non-spouse dependents.